Change Registered Office of a Corporation helps federal and provincial corporations prepare the proper corporate documents for a corporation to change its registered office. It's fast, easy to do and affordable.

A corporation must at all times have a registered office within the location specified in its Articles of Incorporation (e.g., Greater Toronto Area).

If a corporation decides to change the address of its registered office within the boundaries of the location specified in its Articles of Incorporation, it must immediately notify the appropriate government department or agency of this change by filing the relevant government notice, together with the government fee, if applicable.

If the corporation wishes to transfer its registered office to a location outside the boundaries of the location specified in its Articles of Incorporation, then Articles of Amendment must also be filed with the proper government department or agency. The resolution authorizing the change of address must be adopted by the directors and ratified by at least 2/3 (3/4 in B.C. and Nova Scotia) of the votes cast by the shareholders at a special general meeting. A notice of registered office must accompany the Articles of Amendment along with the prescribed fee. will assist in your preparation of the corporate documents for a change of registered office. This may include:

  • Directors Resolution. Director resolutions are official decisions evidenced in writing which confirm decisions made by the board of directors. This resolution is signed by the directors of the corporation and placed in the corporation's minute book.
  • Shareholders Resolution. Shareholder resolutions are official decisions evidenced in writing which confirm decisions made by the shareholders. This resolution is signed by the shareholders of the corporation and placed in the corporation's minute book.
  • Notice of Change of Registered Office. Following the approval of change of registered office, the corporation is required to notify the appropriate government department or agency of such change by filing the required government forms (notice of change of registered office and Articles of Amendment, if applicable) together with the prescribed government fee. will mail to you the corporate resolutions and government forms for you to sign. The corporate resolutions should then be inserted in the corporation's minute book. The completed government forms should be forwarded to the government department or agency. Alternatively, may forward the government forms directly to the appropriate government department or agency on your behalf.

If you incorporated with our company, click here to login to your account and update your corporation.

If you DID NOT incorporate with us, click here so that you can enter all information about your corporation on our secure website. This process takes approximately 15 minutes and requires information about your corporation that can be obtained from your incorporation documents (certificate of incorporation, articles, minute book). Once you enter all the required information, you will be able to able to maintain your corporation without having to re-enter the corporate information in the future.

Important Note! British Columbia users click here.